I have been using Logo in the classroom since 1984 when I was teaching Kindergarten. I started using Apple Logo, progressed to Apple Logo II, then to LogoWriter, LEGO Dacta Logo, PowerMath Logo, MicroWorlds Project Builder, and StarLogo. I currently use MicroWorlds 2.05 and MicroWorlds Pro for most of the students assignments. I still use StarLogo occasionally. My students use a special version of Logo made by LCSI for the LEGO Control Lab that is similar to MicroWorlds version 2. My students use both the RoboLab software that came with the LEGO RoboLab kits and Yellow Brick Logo which requires you to have MicroWorlds version 2 installed.
Here are some links to Logo related sites and information:
LCSI - Logo Computer Systems Incorporated home page
Blake School Lego and MicroWorlds Projects
Vina Danks Middle School MicroWorlds and Lego Projects
LogoForum - an international Logo discussion forum hosted by Yahoo Groups
Some of the handouts that I use with my students are posted on this site as Adobe Acrobat files. These files can be read and printed on virtually any platform -- Macintosh, Windows, or Unix. You can download the Acrobat player for free from Adobe. For Netscape users, you'll want to use the Acrobat plug-in that makes viewing Acrobat files a snap!
If you have not done so, follow your browser's directions to allow
it to recognize and open Adobe Acrobat files. If you need help,
you'll find that in the Adobe site as well.
Turtle Commands, beginning graphic commands. The assignment is to draw a square, a rectangle, and a triangle just using FD, RT, BK, and LT. When they finish drawing those 3 shapes, students can earn extra credit points for drawing other shapes and/or pictures using the basic turtle commands.
Logo Geometry - This assignment introduces the REPEAT command and using the paint tools to fill shapes with color.
Writing Procedures using MicroWorlds 2.05
Writing Procedures using MicroWorlds Pro
This assignment introduces writing procedures into the memory of the computer. Students type in procedures to draw a triangle, square and a pentagon from the handout. Then they follow the pattern to draw polygons up to at least 10 sides. The next day I demonstrate how students can use procedures inside of procedures using what they taught the turtle the day before. An example would be:
REPEAT 8[S8 RT 360 / 8]
Drawing Polygons Using Variables - This assignment introduces the use of variables to draw polygons of any size and number of sides from a single procedure. It also introduces the concept of using a previously defined procedure within a new procedure which allows the students to create many beautiful geometric designs.
Ocean Animation - This assignment introduces a simple animation of 4 fish swimming in the ocean. The students have to create their own scenery to go with the animation.
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